This is my new EP called "Hey Dreamer"
All songs are original and written by myself, and produced at TMP college in Wigan.
It has 5 tracks in total, one of which is an adiditonal version of the song "We All Look Up"
I have been workingon this album for around 6 months now and i'm very excited for it to be availble for you to buy a copy.
Song list :-
Hey Dreamer
We All Look Up
Dreams Apart
The Only One
We All Look Up (Additional Version)
(*£1.10 - £3.00 postage and packaging. depending on location*
Please alowe 3-5 working days for UK delivery, 10-14 in Europe.)
Kev Wright - Hey Dreamer- EP
SKU: 40
If you would like it signed please let me know the name of the person i'm signing it for.